
Get Organized Now Forum

There's a different organizing suggestion for you to do every day of the month--all easy, down-to-earth, and no thinking 'what should I do?' required. When the month changes, so does our checklist. Join our weekly newsletter to be notified when the newest checklist is available.
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Start off the month with a clean fridge. Toss old/outdated food, wipe down the interior with a baking soda solution. Rinse with warm water. Combine condiments in one basket, lunch items in another basket and so on.
Have the kids try on clothes. Pass down those you can and donate the remaining outgrown items. This gives you a basis to start your back to school shopping.
College students will benefit from knowing ahead of time what you expect. Take time to go over a communication plan. Discuss with your student what your expectations are as well as what their expectations are. Chances are this transition year will be less stressful.
Update your calendar. It's a good thing to have a central calendar that lists where everyone has to be, in one location. There is much less chance of missed appointments, practices and rehearsals if everyone records their schedule in one place.
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Do you have a wood fireplace? Now is the time to schedule a cleaning before fireplace season arrives and before the sweeps' schedules fill up.
Take a look around your home and take care of any paint touch ups that need to be done.
Check out the offerings at your local library. Check out a book from a section you usually don't frequent. You may be surprised at how much enjoyment you've been missing.
Time to get rid of those sticky notes of phone numbers all over the place. Transfer the information into your electronic address book.
Remove everything from the top of your coffee table, clean it and only put back what belongs there. Put the rest away where it belongs.
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